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Svelte 5 Runes

Svelte 5 introduces a new concept called "runes," which are compiler instructions used to manage reactivity in Svelte applications. These runes are functions that start with a dollar sign and help define reactive states, effects, properties, and more.


The $state rune is used to declare reactive state variables in Svelte 5. It replaces the implicit reactivity of let declarations from previous versions.

let count = $state(0);

<button onclick="{() => count++}">Count: {count}</button>

In this example, count is a reactive state variable initialized to 0. The button click increments the count, and the UI updates automatically due to the reactivity provided by $state.


The $effect rune is used to create side-effects that run when a component mounts or when its dependencies change.

let total = 100;
let spent = $state(0);

$effect(() => {
if (spent > total) {
alert('Spent exceeds total!');

<input type="range" bind:value={spent} max={total} />

Here, an effect is created that triggers an alert if spent exceeds total. The effect runs whenever spent changes due to its dependency on the $state.


The $props rune is used to handle component properties, allowing for destructuring and default values.

let { greeting = 'Hello!' } = $props();


In this snippet, greeting is a prop with a default value of 'Hello!'. The $props rune simplifies prop handling by enabling destructuring directly within the script tag.


The $derived rune is used for creating derived state from other reactive states. It automatically updates when its dependencies change.

let count = $state(0);
let doubled = $derived(count * 2);

<p>{count} doubled is {doubled}</p>
<button onclick="{() => count++}">Increment</button>

Here, doubled is derived from count, and it updates automatically whenever count changes. This allows for concise and clear expressions of dependent state.


The $bindable rune allows you to create bindable properties that can be linked with form elements or other components.

let name = $bindable('World');

<input bind:value={name} />
<p>Hello, {name}!</p>

In this example, name is a bindable property initialized with 'World'. The input field is bound to name, so any changes in the input automatically update the displayed greeting.

Citations: [1] [2] [3]$effect [4]$props [5] [6] [7]$state [8]$derived [9] [10] [11]