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Props in React.js

Props stand for properties, which can be used to define the contents or behaviour of a component. They can be imagined like parameters to a function. Props helps us to write reusable components, as we can fill them with specific data. Changing props leads the component to re-rendering.
Here is a complete overview of this easy but essential concept.

Passing a named prop

What is actually a HTML attribute is now the attribute of the props-object.

function Greet(props) {
return <p>Hey {}!</p>;

function App() {
return (
<Greet name="Max" />

Passing numbers and objects as props

You just learned how to pass a string into a component. But there is way more data we need to pass. For numbers and all types of objects, it is almost the same.

<Greet age={20}>
<Greet person={personObj}>

But there is an alternative of passing a named prop to the component.

Props without values

Instead of name=SomeValue we can just pass the name of the property, without assigning any value to it. When such a prop is passed, props.propName simply evaluates to true.

function Greet(props) {
if ( {
return <p>Show is true</p>;
} else {
return <p>Show is false</p>;

function App() {
return <Greet show />;

Destructuring props

When we want to access multiple props in the receiving component, writing props.propName all the time is pretty annoying. There is a shorter way which also makes the component more understandable for others.

Instead of

function Greet(props) {
return (
{} is {props.age}

We can write

function Greet({ name, age }) {
return (
{name} is {age}

Notice how we destructure the props-object directly on top level of the function. An alternative way is to create constant variables for the single prop attributes.

function Greet(props) {
const { name, age } = props
return (
{name} is {age}