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Angular Services Cheat Sheet

What are Services?

Services in Angular are pieces of reusable code with a focused purpose, typically used in many components across an application. They efficiently manage data access, separating it from components, which should focus on presenting data to the user.

Creating a Service

An Angular service is essentially a JavaScript function encapsulated within a class, offering methods and properties. It is created by defining a class, adding methods, and exporting it for use in components or other services.

import { Product } from './product';

export class ProductService {
public getProducts() {
let products: Product[] = [
new Product(1, 'Memory Card', 500),
new Product(2, 'Pen Drive', 750),
new Product(3, 'Power Bank', 100)
return products;

In this example, the ProductService class has a getProducts method returning a collection of products. The service class is exported so other components can import and use it.

Inject Services

Injecting services into components replaces direct instantiation, reducing coupling and enhancing testability. It involves Angular's dependency injection mechanism to inject service instances into components.

constructor(private productService: ProductService) {}

This constructor injection avoids the disadvantages of directly instantiating services, such as tight coupling and difficulty in testing.


The @Injectable decorator is crucial for Angular services using dependency injection. It does not register the service with the container but indicates that the service can have its own dependencies injected.

export class MyService {
constructor(private httpClient: HttpClient) { }

This example demonstrates a service with a dependency on HttpClient, made injectable with the @Injectable decorator.

HTTP Services

Angular's HTTP Client module, based on RxJS Observables, allows for efficient HTTP operations like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.


This example shows an HTTP GET request returning an Observable of Course[]. The HTTP Client module handles JSON parsing and supports request parameters, error handling, and HTTP Interceptors for cross-cutting concerns like authentication.

Service Lifecycle Hooks

Lifecycle hooks in Angular services are methods that allow actions at specific lifecycle events, such as initialization or destruction.

ngOnInit() {
// Initialization logic
ngOnDestroy() {
// Cleanup logic

These hooks, OnInit and OnDestroy, handle initialization and cleanup tasks, ensuring efficient resource management.

Best Practices

  1. Separate Business Logic: Keep business logic out of services.
  2. Testability: Design services for easy testing, avoiding global state.
  3. Use Interfaces: Define services with interfaces for modularity.
  4. Size Management: Keep services small and focused.
  5. Avoid View Logic in Services: Handle view-related logic in components.