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Louis' Programming Cheat Sheets


This is the official website for the GitHub Repo of codehints.

Here, you can find cheat sheets and general ressources, containing examples, on different technologies. These technologies include programming languages, frameworks and libraries I am personally interested it.

Yet, it is not only about programming languages. The site is more of a funnel for all my tech-wise knownledge to me. Therefore, you can also find theory on machine learning or the Vim cheat sheet.

Contributing is possible, just reach out to me.

Pages, you should check out

Not all cheat sheets are off the same quality. Some offer more content, as all of them represent my personal learning path. Yet, I put alot of effort into some pages. Here is a list of the best ones, in my perception:


Contributing is possible via GitHub. Alternatively, you can send in content, content-drafts or content-ideas via Mail.

Style Guidelines

The following are Guidelines to myself and others for adding contnet.

Each Markdown file has a header section on top which will be rendered to . Therefore it holds the title, the description etc.

Make sure each file at leasts holds a minimal header with a title:

title: The title

Each technology has one in its directory. This file always has
a header like this:

title: Introduction to Technology-name
sidebar_position: 1
slug: /category/technology-name

Each of the files has the h1 headings:

  • What is technology-name? (use cases, projects etc. )
  • Code examples (optional)
  • Author's Notes (optional)
  • Sources
  • Additional Ressources

Please do not use uncloses XML tags anywhere as this will break anything. Thank you.

Future plans & todos

Content bucket list .

This website is not an official source of any technology. Neither is it associated with official representatives of any technology. Therefore, it is always true that no claim for the correctness and completeness of the content is to be made.

Even though this project is open source, I ask that you do not simply copy the page exactly and publish it yourself. The code may be used as a basis for own projects, and single cheat sheets may be issued.

In case of further questions, feel free to reach out to me via Mail: